Tuesday 27 August 2013

Day 16 - Linda Farm

6:30 am start for Beth, Jack and Kate as they had arranged to wave Thomas off at the start line of a 10.5 km run organised by the UNWTO. Thomas is one of the visually impaired adults from Linda Farm and was one of the twelve participants with a disability. Within half an hour (in true African style) Beth and Jack found themselves lining up at the start, each partnered with a totally blind local. Kate was quickly appointed the role of chauffeur for members of the UNWTO in a car full of wheelchairs, sticks and crutches. After a quick stop off back at the Lodge to check on the volunteers, she headed to the finish line where she was berated by participants for being late. Apparently Kate was also meant to be the paralympic official photographer! Beth and Jack arrived at the finish line in one piece; though the African heat and inappropriate dress took its toll. The race saw Beth's pace being put to the test as the "slower" runner she was guiding soon sprinted past Jack's. Our healthcare training was subsequently put into practice, and the first aid kit used once again, when Jack's back muscles went into spasm and Beth's blisters needed popping. Parents be reassured: full health has been restored.

Meanwhile, back at Linda, the remaining volunteers continued with their hard work. Rachel Y and Jo submerged themselves into the chaos of the classroom. Their hope to teach the children 1-20 soon dissipated when few were able to grasp the concept of numbers despite them attempting as many teaching styles as they could devise. We commend them for their perseverance! Mel, Sophie, Elea and Rachel T continued with their exploration of health topics; today focusing on sanitation. Simultaneously Ben's bewilderment of the use of electrical appliances, in particular fridges, grew into its own as his study of residents' households continued. Joking aside, some invaluable data was collected. Thanks again to all of you!

This afternoon, 3 volunteers braved the Crocodile Farm. Summoning their courage each of them took it in turns to step inside an enclosure, home to 20 crocodiles who have a history of human attack! Again, fear not parents: no volunteers were harmed in the making of this blog!

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." Helen Keller

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